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About Me

Hi!... I'm Alex!

My story starts about 3 years ago, when one decision changed my entire life.
I was living in England at the time, sharing my small but cosy, one bedroom flat with two, the most adorable cats; Pebbles and Vicki. My job was waitressing in a chain restaurant. I remember my Mum used to say, that hospitality is the worst industry and whoever worked in a service knows, that this profession goes hand in hand with late nights and working weekends, in spite of all this I loved my job, we had a great team of people. I was the last one to join this newly opened place and they welcomed me with open hands. Honestly I can say I had some of the most amazing times while working there, you know… after hours.
On the other hand, my personal situation wasn’t perfect… I had recently finished a 3 year long relationship and felt really lost, even though I was the one to call it quits. I didn’t let people know how I really felt, trying to be strong, laughing at jokes and being the one who would take care of everybody. Not without the reason my team had a cute nickname for me… Mama…
But when It was time to go home, I would come back to an almost empty apartment and even though my girls were doing a great job at giving me all the loving that I needed, the overwhelming feeling of void and depression wouldn’t go away… I was clearly missing something in my life, I just didn’t know what it was yet…
And then everything changed. One day while scrolling through Facebook (yeah, I’m that old lol) I stumbled upon a picture of a girl I used to work with. On a yacht, soaking in sunshine, surrounded by the sea. In that moment I knew what I was missing. Obviously sun because hello, English weather, but that feeling of being free. 
I decided to get in touch with her, asking about her current job and how did she ended up there. I came to find out that she’s the yacht stewardess in Greece during the summer season. After a few messages she told me that they are still looking for more people! A million thoughts went through my head at that moment, but deep down I knew what I was about to do. I’ve sent her a message saying that YES, I will do it.
It was a Quit your Job, Book a Ticket, Fall in Love kind of decision Two weeks later, on 27th of June 2017 I was sitting on the plane, ready for my summer adventure on the Aegan Sea. Little did I know, that a few months will turn in 3 years and counting….